Rhythm, gaze, word and play

dancing threads in the process of symbolization


  • Víctor Guerra


simbolization, fort-da, subjetivation


The paper introduces some ideas on the process of symbolization based on the value of the pole of the presence in the axis presence-absence. Four elements are considered: rhythm, gaze, word and play, as founders of subjectivization, in the intersubjective encounter with the other in his symbolizing function. The importance of rhythm is emphasized together with the hypothesis
of a «maternal law» (Roussillon), as a metaphor of some of the characteristics of the encounter between the one who takes care of (subjectivizes) a baby, basis of psychic work, which allows for the tolerance and elaboration of the absence of the object.
The case of the fort-da and the role of the gaze-attention in Freud in the ludic creation of Ernst are taken as references, as well as the case of the child of the string from Winnicott, in order to consider possible difficulties in the presence of a non-enabling other, and their effects in the processes of symbolization, and symptomatology of the child.


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Author Biography

  • Víctor Guerra

    Miembro asociado de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay.


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How to Cite

Rhythm, gaze, word and play: dancing threads in the process of symbolization. (2014). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 119, 74-97. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/288