Vicissitudes of becoming a subject. Psychoanalytic clinical work with infants


  • Nahir Bonifacino


early psyche, infancy, interaction, intersubjectivity, simbolization, holding, psychoanalytic technique in children


The purpose is to show certain aspects of the psychoanalytic work with infants with important difficulties in the psychic structuration. Some of them received a diagnosis of Pervasive Developmental Disorder from the infant psychiatry and the neuro-pediatrics. These patients imply a huge challenge for the psychoanalytical practice. In which ter ms can they be benefiting by our resources? Is it possible to make the technique flexible to work in situations in which there is hardly nascent psyche? How can we intervene when it has not set a subject of the experience and when major fails in the representational capacity interfere
in the unfolding of a communicational language? I will work in these questions in a dialogue with the theory and the
practice taking account some classic authors and also theoretical inputs from the observation of early interactions, in which the mother’s face becomes a mirror of the baby’s internal experiences and allows him experience them as their own.
In each one of the psychoanalytic processes I mention the transferential bond promoted a key background in which, with the receptivity of the parental figures made possible structural movements that allowed the subject constitution and new vicissitudes.


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Author Biography

  • Nahir Bonifacino

    Miembro asociado de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

Vicissitudes of becoming a subject. Psychoanalytic clinical work with infants. (2014). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 119, 57-73.