Psychic structuring and the present quality of the sexual


  • Laura Verissimo de Posadas


psychoanalytical process, other, assymmetry, pluralism, sexuality, clinical material


The Present quality (Actual) refers to our time and its main traits, both it in the realm of culture and in the various theorizations we can find in the psychoanalytic movement. It also refers to the psychoanalytical concept of sexuality, inseparable from the concepts of conflict, of the process of psychic structuring, both with and from the other, and of the original helplessness. The aim of this paper is to open a debate. It poses the question of the pertinence of sustaining notions such as intrapsychic or endogenous,
among others. It also questions the import of notions that drag onto psychoanalysis the burden of what is observable, behaviours and the conscious mind, which implies the risk of wandering away from our own object, the effects of the unconscious, whose main characteristic is the infantile-sexual. Its psychoanalytic sense frequently seems to fade: the equivalence between sexuality and genitality, the attribution to the child of a sexuality characteristic of the adult, and a notion of the incestuous
restricted to the sexual act, some of the quagmires the paper attempts to reconsider. Through a clinical material, the paper tries to place sexuality as inextricably bound to the infantile and psychic structuring, as central notions, in their present quality, after a century of testing psychoanalysis as a theory and a method, in order to think about human nature and to exert an influence, in transference, on what determines psychic suffering.


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Author Biography

  • Laura Verissimo de Posadas

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

Psychic structuring and the present quality of the sexual. (2015). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 120, 61-73.

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