Psychic structuring

a dynamic perspective of the psyche


  • Fanny Schkolnik


primal repression, / resignification, analizability, / repression, crisis /, act, disavowal


This paper proposes a dynamic perspective of psychic structuring and of analyzability which makes it necessary to perform tentative diagnoses. Boundaries between the different psychic structures and also between the internal and external worlds are not precise, but there are areas of interaction, where we can find the marks left by the encounter and the failed encounter with the other from the origins and with many later others. In the same way as the origins of psychic structure are built upon these marks from the encounter with the other, giving rise to enigmas that lead to psychic work of translation-elaboration; analysis implies making the
emergence of the enigma possible in the transference, through manifest discourse. The writer introduces the main character of the film Before the winter chill (Claudel, 2013) to invite us to think of him as a patient asking for analysis because of a crisis that led into a libidinal overflow. In his presentation he displays a representational framework that makes us think of neurotic
conflict, with rich metaphoric resources. But the characteristics of his acting outs during his crisis suggest the presence of split off aspects which, if bound to the repressed in the process of analysis sustained by the transference, can open new roads to reach an experiential memory of his history. Taking into account the difficulties and risks we face in the analysis of psychotic, psychosomatic and seriously addicted patients, the author claims that although much can be done in these situations with the understanding of a psychodynamic approach, the possibility and convenience of a true analytic work can only be found within the broad field of neurosis. 


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Author Biography

  • Fanny Schkolnik

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

Psychic structuring: a dynamic perspective of the psyche. (2015). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 120, 15-23.

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