Observing the construction of sexual identity in three latent boys


  • Marina Altmann de Litvan
  • Fernanda Cubría
  • Griselda Rebella
  • Luisa Pérez
  • Adriana Gandolfi
  • María Bordaberry
  • Pedro Moreno


research, gender, play, sexual identity, infantil sexuality, masculine identity, clinical material, interpretation, latency, psychic change, transference


This piece of work is part of a journey of APU’s Investigation Group on Psychoanalytic work with children. The aim of the group is to investigate the place assigned to working with child’s sexuality during latent children’s
psychoanalysis, its relation with gender, with the construction of male identity and the object-choices that are outlined during latency. We tackle the way in which analysts deal with this issue through three clinical cases. In our first investigation we chose the psychoanalytical work with three latent girls. On this opportunity we aimed at observing the vicissitudes of sexual
and gender identity construction of three latent boys. We selected the interpretations with sexual content in three analytical processes which were presented by analysts in order to be promoted to the category of Associated Member of APU. Our goal was to observe the place these interpretations had in the patients’ changes: how the conflicts changed with the sexual interpretations; how these interpretations helped in the construction of sexual identity; how each child took over the gender he was born with and
what was de influence of the family context and the place the patient was assigned. This has led us to confront ideas with different authors about this topic and to point out that in the analytical processes of these latent patients, working with the vicissitudes of child’s sexuality still entirely applies nd has a structuring role.


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Author Biographies

  • Marina Altmann de Litvan

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 

  • Fernanda Cubría

    Miembro asociado de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 

  • Griselda Rebella

    Miembro asociado de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 

  • Luisa Pérez

    Analista en formación del Instituto Universitario de Postgrado en Psicoanálisis.

  • María Bordaberry

    Analista en formación del Instituto Universitario de Postgrado en Psicoanálisis.

  • Pedro Moreno

    Analista en formación del Instituto Universitario de Postgrado en Psicoanálisis.


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How to Cite

Observing the construction of sexual identity in three latent boys. (2017). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 125, 141-179. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/189

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