Transmission-reception and the personal use of different psychoanalytic theories during psychoanalytic training
psychoanalytic training / research / clinic / theory / pluralism, transmissionAbstract
This paper studied the effects of pluralism in psychoanalytic training in a group of psychoanalysts who had completed their training at the Institute of the Psychoanalytic Association of Uruguay (APU) in 2005. The process of transmission and reception of ideas and their use in practice was studied in clinical materials submitted for approval of the Supervision, the Master's Thesis and in indepth interviews recorded with the participants. In data analysis, a qualitative methodology was used, taking into account ethical requirements, especially confidentiality. The study was carried out in two stages between 2005 and 2010, and between 2012 and 2018. T he results obtained allowed us to describe some characteristics of the psychoanalytic ideas used by the group studied and different inferential processes in the theoretical-clinical articulation: the illustrative, the evocative and the critical. The potentialities and risks of these different process are discussed. The study showed that all the analysts used different theoretical approaches in their practice and ideas during their training at the AP institute, taking into account the pluralistic context of the training. Finally, the results obtained are discussed, considering the limits of this research and leaving open questions regarding the characteristics of psychoanalytic training at the present time and in the future.
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