Fair interpretation


  • Griselda Rebella Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay




Interpretation, Psychoanalytic field, Countertransference, Technique psychoanalytic, Timming, Transference, Reverie, Clinical material


The author attempts to explore the complexities of the transferential-countertransferential work where the risk of excess in the
interpretation is the mainstay of the analysis. Relating it to the clinic, she takes some examples to show the impossibility of restraining these interpretations with excessive edges, in response to the excess of experiences intensely lived by the patient at the same time, and generally without words. It will be through the analysis, in the times when the analyst can offer an interpretation that aims at the reintrojection of the metabolized contents in the mind of the analyst, that these can be transformed into thinkable elements that contribute to the understanding of what is going on in the mind of the patient, the analyst and the duo.


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How to Cite

Fair interpretation. (2023). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 136/137, 182-200. https://doi.org/10.36496//n136-137.a11