From image to play

technology and clinical activity with young children suffering from difficulties in subjectivation


  • Nahir Bonifacino


technology, subjectivation, play, early development, imagen, clinical material, transference, autism


In our present clinical practice, we receive children of different ages who run the risk of being caught by different technological devices. When this trapping is extreme and it takes place during early infancy, it is worth reflecting upon its impact on the child’s psychic functioning and on the development of his subjectivity. This paper approaches the subject based on clinical material from two children who come to consultation being two years of age and presenting severe disturbances in their mental functioning. Previously they had been diagnosed by child psychiatrists as suffering from Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Pervasive Developmental Disorder. In both situations the attraction of the videos was a constant feature. In the first case, we can observe a sequence in which certain elements of the video images that caught the child´s attention and tend to isolate him from the environment, in the psychoanalytic setting, gradually gain a transitional place that opens the path to a subjective and symbolic universe. The second case proposes a reflection on the impact of technology in terms of over-excitement.


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Author Biography

  • Nahir Bonifacino

    Miembro asociado de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay. 


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How to Cite

From image to play: technology and clinical activity with young children suffering from difficulties in subjectivation. (2017). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 125, 29-42.