On art and psychoanalysisis. Concerning an exhibition


  • Patricia Natalevich Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay
  • Gustavo Sogliano Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay




art, creator, creation, psychoanalysis, sublimation, culture


«From creation, look, listening and word» was the name given to the exhibition held in July of this year at the Juan Zorrilla de
San Martín Museum, based on the work of the stoneware sculptor Ricardo Nowinski and the photography of light contrasts in white and black by Manuel Gayoso. The authors generate a dialogue between both forms of artistic expression, on the one hand, with the act of creation as a singular, collective and cultural experience; and on the other, build bridges with psychoanalysis. Another attempt was to investigate what is the subjective experiential relationship that links the creator, the work, with the person who observes it; from there to the transferential experience and happening in the psychoanalytic function that, like art, gives rise to the unprecedented in the session. A perspective on the original relationship of the creator of psychoanalysis with art is also addressed. The word, even being a link with culture and history, tries to explain but does not account for the creative act. It also addresses aspects where the possibility of creation and art are subsumed in the contemporary «civilizational vertigo".


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How to Cite

On art and psychoanalysisis. Concerning an exhibition. (2023). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 135, 160-171. https://doi.org/10.36496/n135.a11

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