Interpretation and intersubjectivity: New challenges of the analytical process. Freud’s legacy 150 years from his birth


  • Juan Carlos Tutté


intersubjetividad, enactment, memoria, material clínico


Both, analytical practice and research, have shown as new challenges in the psychoanalytic production of the last decades,
the relevance that acquire for the process of change, the different forms in which patient and analyst establish their communication.
All the psychoanalysts consider the interpretation to be their principal instrument and something that distinguishes them in their
labor together with the patient, though many agree that it is not a decisive thing.
In the present work the intersubjectivity is born in mind in the analytical process, in the sense of one “slightly beyond” of the
words, from a vision of the analyst forming an active part of the intersubjective field, being outlined the quality of the therapeutic
relation as curative factor. 
The exposed thing leads to arrange hierarchically the notion of enactment, that has been receiving every time major importance
in the psychoanalytic theory and technique. This concept comes to question strongly the idea of an analyst interpreter of a reality
who is externally of him, in the patient, but in any case he is someone who takes part, acts and then he tries to explain something
of what has happened between both. From previous thoughts exemplified with a clinical material,
a series of hypothesis approach in relation to the current perspectives linked to the different forms of relationship (verbal
and not verbal) that take place in the analytical encounter, where they occupy a fundamental place the current knowledge in the
field of the memory, particularly those forms related to the inscription of links, which we would be interested exceedingly as
psychoanalysts. The previous is considered to be an attempt of reaffirmation of Freud’s proposal, but to include it inside a wider view that contemplates the developments that have been produced to his work 150 years from his birth.


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Repetir, recordar...figuras de la memoria

How to Cite

Interpretation and intersubjectivity: New challenges of the analytical process. Freud’s legacy 150 years from his birth. (2007). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 105, 108-134.

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