Reflections on symbolization in psychoanalysis; -between the sign and the drive-


  • Susana García Vázquez


simbolización, fallas en la simbolización


Symbolization in psychoanalysis has different thoretical proposals according to the metapsychology trends that the authors
subscribe. This article points out that the possibility of symbolization, taken as configurations of what is absent, involves a psychic
network, the existence of a location or stage where conflicts may be displayed, the forbidden, love, hate, with all the suffering
attached to them. It also has to do with the possibility of an assembly of new significant chains that allow to various resignifications which in turn produce changes in the symptomatic novel. When this stage is not assembled and when loss cannot be
tolerated, we mostly work with denials, splittings, hoping that separation from the other takes place. Other to who are attached
indiscriminately need and hate. In order to tolerate the limit, to figure out the loss, the presence
and holding of the other is required. Without holding or the continent presence of other. Without an other subjected as well to
a limit and able to impose a limit, the enigma function cannot be configurated. This would be one of the tasks of analysis


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Simbolización y experiencia analítica

How to Cite

Reflections on symbolization in psychoanalysis; -between the sign and the drive-. (2007). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 104, 7-22.

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