The debate begins at the clinic


  • Juan Carlos Tutté
  • Adriana Wieliwis


investigación, proceso psicoanalítico, teoría, contratransferencia, enactment, material clínico


Through the analysis of clinical material, the authors – a psychoanalyst and his supervisee – seek to investigate some
concepts used in the psychoanalytic practice, on the understanding that the analytic process happens within a privileged space for the construction of the psychical subject, as well as for the mutual enrichment and subjective exchange between both members of
the analytic couple. In an attempt to promote debate, we addressed ourselves to thinking about three aspects:
1) Theoretical aspects implicit in the psychoanalyst’s mind 2) The issue of interpretation, its validation and testing
3) The therapeutic component of ‘enactment’We consider this conceptual investigation and its debate in a
Congress about subjectivation as an opportunity to reformulate many Freudian propositions, bearing witness to the vital validity
of today’s Psychoanalysis.


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Debates sobre la subjetivación en Psicoanálisis

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