Narratives, construction and narrative rhythms


  • Roger Mirza


ficción, interpretación, relato


Starting from some definitions of ―account‖ and from the essential condition of speech practice in human activities I point out some distinctive features in literary account and its fictional condition, the importance of enunciation and reception and of the non-verifiable contract from that recognition as well as the ambiguity and polisemy that multiply its symbolic value. I also tackle the relation between the creator, the literary piece of work and the reader, compared to the situation of analyst and analyzed emphasizing two important differences: in the first case the relation is in absence and in the second in presence; in the first case the literary object, the piece of work exists and its significants are constant whereas the object created in the analyst-analized relation is virtual. In the end I point out the fragmentation of the accounts in the van of progress, stressed in today‘s intense civilization which seems to threaten the capacity to elaborate of the contemporary man.


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Literatura y Psicoanálisis

How to Cite

Narratives, construction and narrative rhythms. (2005). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 101, 100-109.