The trauma and the (current) crisis of psychoanalysis; the permanent return to Freud.


  • Nelson De Souza


trauma, trauma sexual, desmentida, crisis, material clínico


Beginning with the Owen Renik article that was published in Nº 1 Journal, 12 volume of December 2003 of the IPA, with the title “No more treatment for the word”, in which this author support the idea of the actual crisis is because “The
Psychoanalysis, throw the years, lost the contact with its original purpose of empirical orientation throw the alleviate of the symptom”, developed a thesis that allows the following work. In this, I propose the idea that in any moment at the last times It begins to pay no attention to the trauma as a causal agent of the pati ents suffer and give more importance to other things like the development perturbations, the psychotic part of the personality, etc. Meanwhile begins a pure investigation without any concrete search. So that, the Psychoanalysis was transformed in a weltanschauung. So that, understand is beginning to be in front of new pathologies. At the reality, between the decade of 60s throw the actuality its produces real civilizatoria mutations that origin new normality and new subjectivity. The new subjectivity don’t be understood and belived that was new pathologies. All of that allowed the actual crisis. I wonder if the crisis is because of the weakness, if it is a practice crisis or is the consequence of a social – economical – cultural crisis. Also if it is of Psychoanalysis, of the psychoanalysts or the psychoanalytical institutions. I try
to answer these questions. I hold the trauma central place as ethiopathogenical factor in every subjective
suffering and with them I propose a return to the Freudian texts. I even believe that the trauma is a structuring factor for the new normality. But, what is the sexuality place?
I rescue the repression and traumatic force as the seen of Freud in spite of apparent uncover proper of a cultural freedom.
Finally, I try to see how trauma presents in the actual clinic, in contemporaneous patients, exposing three cases that I designate as sexual (infant) trauma, social (collective) trauma, and historical trauma (Trangenerational transmition)
For all of that I hold the necessity return to Freud to find his labor in new significations, articulating it with the theorycal advances.


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How to Cite

The trauma and the (current) crisis of psychoanalysis; the permanent return to Freud. (2005). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 100, 108-135.