Body and Discourse in Psychoanalysis
lenguaje, cuerpo, discurso, símbolo, inconsciente, afectos, escucha, transferencia, contratransferencia, cura, interpretacionAbstract
The word body belongs to the colloquial language, intimately integrated in social life, as well as the scientific language. The latter one belongs not only to natural sciences (Naturwissenschaften) but to the spiritual (Geisteswissenschaften) and cultural sciences. The complexities that emerge from this diversity is examined from the discourses, that is to say, the different contexts in which the statement corresponds to subjects belonging to different disciplines. Before the impossibility of comprising all of them, those that belong to the medical sciences are chosen: the neurological, the psychiatric and the psychosomatic discourses on the basis of the characterization of this three bodies (J. McDougall) we comment on the discourses of the neurotic, psychotic and psychosomatic bodies. Finally the relationship between body and mind and the relationship between psychoanalysis and neurosciences is discussed.
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