The Residual Phenomena and Original Repression


  • Fanny Schkolnik


pulsión de muerte, lo arcaico, narcisismo, neurosis graves, relación dual, función desobjetalizante


This report’s goal is to examine the meta-psychological foundations, the clinical characteristics and the technical tools that are most suitable to face what Freud called “residual effects”. Could we say that during analysis there is a re-opening of the primal repression that enables changes, linked to a conflict coming from the archaic? How do we understand the death drive when we work at the borders of neurosis or in pathologies approaching psychosis? Regarding the rock that prevents analysis from moving forward, this report’s proposal aims at the role of the failures in symbolization, unlike Freud’s idea of constitutional determination. The goal in analysis then, should be to work on narcissism in its two aspects: the one related to the disavowal of the phallic castration and the one related to the disavowal of otherness, characteristic of archaic narcissism. 


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Author Biography

  • Fanny Schkolnik

    Miembro Titular de A.P.U.


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How to Cite

The Residual Phenomena and Original Repression. (2001). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 94, 48-58.

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