From the Pain of loss to the Eclipse of Desire


  • Laura Verissimo de Posadas


duelo, melancolía, afecto, representación, angustia, yo, material clínico


The purpose of this paper is to enlighten the understanding of the melancholic breakdown with a twofold scope. On the one hand it tries to enrichen the description of the patient experience with the aid of different literary texts. On the other hand it tends to speculate on the foundations of the psychical structure and the stuff the human condition is made of. Underlying this trend of thought lays the idea that the human condition is the result of the intertwining between sense and lack of sense, between desire and its eclipse, between life and death, and where the feelings of guilt and insignificance are central.


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Author Biography

  • Laura Verissimo de Posadas

    Miembro Titular de A.P.U.


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How to Cite

From the Pain of loss to the Eclipse of Desire. (1998). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 88, 77-89.

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