The (Im) Possible Neutrality of a Possible Psychoanalyst


  • Nadal Vallespir


neutralidad, transferencia, interpretación, nombre del padre, literatura


The psychoanalyst’s neutrality if considered a perfect, absolute neutrality, without hesitation, is not possible. It is a legitimate goal, though unattainable. Starting from literary texts –pretexts to express my ideas– and from reflections upon theoretical developments which refer mainly to the psychoanalytic technique, I seek to prove its impossibility. Should we then abandon the idea of neutrality? Neutrality has an operative function in the cure, within certain margins of applicability. It implies an analyst who goes through the father’s metaphor and has a marked capacity to work through mourning due to his/her narcissistic renunciation. Accepting castration, privation and abstinence turn a limited neutrality possible, which is put into practice with certain elasticity, testimony of an analyst who is also possible, with his/her blunders and weaknesses.


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Author Biography

  • Nadal Vallespir

    Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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How to Cite

The (Im) Possible Neutrality of a Possible Psychoanalyst. (1999). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 89, 82-93.

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