About Interpretation in the Analysis of Children


  • Cristina López De Caiafa
  • Francisco Ameglio


interpretación, psicoanálisis de niños, intersubjetividad, reseña conceptual


In this paper the authors deal with interpretation as a significant act of intermediation in an intersubjective dimension. The emphasis lies on the specificity that interpretation assumes in the analytical practice with children, where besides the language act and gesture, as privileged ways of communication, refer us to the body and the multimodal registers of sensoriality. The process of interpretation test our possibilities of transmission making use of the resources mentioned above, facing the insufficiency of the ego instrumentals of the developing psyche. Diverse authors have pointed out the intersubjective dimension of the psychic structuration also pointing to the necessary insufficiency of the other in the process of the emerging subject, their wish and their possibility of the creation of personal senses. The authors consider the process of interpretation in this perspective and they fínally wonder if a “good enough interpretation” is not, among other things, necessarily insufficient.


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Author Biographies

  • Cristina López De Caiafa

    Miembro Titular de APU

  • Francisco Ameglio

    Miembro Adherente de APU


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How to Cite

About Interpretation in the Analysis of Children. (1999). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 90, 88-97. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1292