Psychic Conflict; Effects of a Loss


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


sujeto, pulsión, acción especifica, deseo, objeto 'a', desmentida estructural


The paper details metapsychological elements, attempts which always remain open, in order to account for what is unknown in our structure. In other words, that which cannot be apprehended by our consciousness or by the ego and which constitute, in turn, the subjective unconscious weave. The specificity of the psychic conflict derives from the Freudian conceptualization of the unconscious, which becomes more and more complex all along Freud's work and which is redimensioned by later contributions, always aiming at maintaining the specificity of psychoanalysis, which is the praxis supported by the transference. Psychic conflict has its roots in the activity of the drive; its field, between the wish and the defenses, constitutes the uniqueness of each subject, showing its solidarity with the wish of the parents. The illusion of being oneself breaks up when we recognize that the truth of the unconscious, the wish, only emerges through what Freud called the Unconscious Formations: dreams, bungled actions, symptoms and the transference. The node of the conflict is constituted by the unconscious wish that seeks a lost-being lost object, which stems from the prohibition. The psychic mark, mnemic trace, representation or signifier, points to its mobility in articulations and disarticulations which organize fantasy and symptom, and mould subjectivity. Without prohibition, without loss, without absence, there is no presence, affirmation, trace, inscription or wish in search for the lost. Inscription which implies an event of libidinal experience with an other-Other where both love and hate are in play. As regards the Experience of satisfaction in the Specific action (Freud, 1895) in connection with the oral mode of the drive, we extend this activity to all and each one of the modes of the drive which organize the unconscious wishing subject. We emphasize the unavoidable loss of an aspect of the object for the psychic inscription to exist. We could say that the conflict indicates the presence of the wish and its delimitation through the losses and prohibitions that imply narcissism and sexuality accounting for a work of symbolization-inscription. Repression and identification are the producers of signifiers, where in turn gather together the other vicissitudes of the drive. Between the maternal metonymies and the paternal metaphors, the human being is alternative and jointly rocked and prohibited in order to build the unconscious division and to move through the wishes that then urge to be realized.


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Author Biography

  • Myrta Casas de Pereda

    Miembro Titular de APU


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How to Cite

Psychic Conflict; Effects of a Loss. (2009). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 109, 33-52.

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