A space for transmission


  • Susana García Vázquez
  • Delfina Miller
  • Inés Mosca
  • Abel Fernández
  • Álvaro Rivas
  • Danilo Rolando
  • Ana Rumi
  • Rosa Zytner


enseñanza del psicoanálisis


In this paper we discuss the subject of the transmission of a psychoanalytic mode of thought the analytic training. Although we share the view that the rational and experiential aspects cannot be separated in the knowledge process, we centre our
presentation on the experiential side. Thus we refer to the order of self-experience, of capturing one’s own unconscious.
We see how the conflict or tension between the desire of knowledge and the acceptance of the inmaterial quality of the object of knowledge is related with a certain boss of theoretical cogency. We indicate the importance of the link, in lieu of the meeting occurring between teacher and student. We think of it as a space, an area of confluence of individual and interpersonal
experiences favouring the appearance of situations in which concepts acquire a new meaning through what we construe as a re-creation of the object to be apprehended. Finally, we posit the possible approximation between these instances of encounter
and aesthetic moments as experiences of personal transformation


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