Terror, Thinking, Pain; Enforced Disappearance


  • Mario Deutsch
  • Damián Schroeder


terror, pensar, dolor, la desaparición forzada


If terror could be characterised among other possible formulas by its contradiction with the act of thinking –as a mandate to whom in it lives, as the way of living and reproducing– it is an ethical, scientific and related to a possible praxis imperative to revert its pretensión of thoughtlessness in and interdisciplinary task, that is played out or inside a discipline. The forced disappearence of people is in our recent history a paradign of terror that characterise the moment of Freudian Da. If a perspective of “Grief and Melancholy” is to reduce the “work” of the one dreassed in mourning, exclusively to its links with the cost object. We can observe that every grief process requires a third, to make the grief possible. This is the public dimension that every has, as well as the private and intimate dimension. The notion of trauma (traumatic neurotics) played an important role in further Freudian elaborations that characterise “the turn” of 1920 articulating the second topic, the second theory of pulsation and the repetition compulsion. The Freudian concepts of the grief process was not reformulated in view of these capital changes. To give a privilege to the trauma notion, with the Freudian nachträglich is to consider a second scene that remarks the first one. The grief in relation to forced disappearance in its public dimension reverts the isolation of the romantic version of “Grief and Melancholy” to show the importance of a third that enables the urgency of another story. The revival of a narrative, the possibility of the construction of a story (multiple stories, in fact) seem to smooth the path closer the thoughtlessness.


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How to Cite

Terror, Thinking, Pain; Enforced Disappearance. (1997). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 86, 167-175. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1047