Event and Temporality; Three Scenes in (one) Act


  • Nadal Vallespir


transferencia, deseo, repetición, tiempo, material clínico, banda de Moebius


For the psychoanalisis, the subjetive time, psychical time, and the memory, don’t have a simple existence, but multiple, and are registrated in diverses varieties of signs, between which runs the desire as a ferret, repeating and creating, in a dia-chronization,
permanently passing through the synchronization (because of the metaphorical conjunction of the synchronization). In that way, the vivid scenes lived by the subject, make a chain, supported by the dead, as an Absolute Master, and by the castration, convoker of the desire. In the transference, this scenes become psychoanalitic act by the inerpretation of the desire. The psychoanalitical time, is fundamentally the logical time of the “aposteriori”, that re-significate continuously that scenes in renovated translations of sense creations, that continuously injures the armour of the dead and forgetfulness. But the psychoanalitical time is also, the unconcious a- temporality, that present continuous where the anticipation of the dead is not represented. Then, the truth is just footprints, representations, inventions and creations of the subject, where the truth of the events, and the desire interlace and continue, but opening spaces for the loss and the sorrow. Moebius’ ribbon discreetly pictures this diverses aspects of the psychoanalytical time, and the situation of the transference.


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Author Biography

  • Nadal Vallespir

    Miembro Titular de APU


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How to Cite

Event and Temporality; Three Scenes in (one) Act. (1997). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 86, 71-81. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/1038

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