The From helplessness to lovelessness

on depression in infancy


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


helplessness, infancty, act, depression, symbolization


Based on some ideas on the etiology of Depression in infancy, the paper tries to consider psychic helplessness as the difficulty met at a given moment for having the capacity to symbolize available (thinking, verbalizing). Helplessness is at its peak for the subject in those moments of anxiety when, unable to resort to the symbol, he bursts in acts that are, at the same time, an unmistakable expression of that claim. The concept of frustration is used in order to articulate the importance of the other and its libidinal
commitment so as to make the symbolic function of the real loss of the object effective. Finally, the clinical expression of Depression in infancy is discussed to support the theoretical considerations about the difficulty in symbolization as an etiological factor. Thus, clinical expressions relate to the act, not sustained by their signifying effect. Acting out and enactment as testimony
of the way the word is erased.


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How to Cite

The From helplessness to lovelessness: on depression in infancy. (2018). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 127, 11-24.

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