A case of de mutism

Cure, word, power


  • Guillermo Milán
  • Fernando García Press


mutism, clinical case, power, psychiatry, ethics, caesura, tongue, Pérez Pastorini


The following article comprise texts generated by the research group called ‘Formation of clinical psychoanalysis in Uruguay’ (FCPU) Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de la República coordinated by Prof. Agdo. Dr. Guillermo Milán. The Psychoanalytical Association of Uruguay has an agreement in force for on-going work with the group FCPU.

In this paper we carry out a discursive approach to the clinical case «A case of mutism », presented in April 1925 by the young Uruguayan psychiatrist, and future psychoanalyst, Valentín Pérez Pastorini [1896-1948], before the plenary of the Society of Psychiatry of Uruguay (Pérez Pastorini, V. 1925), chaired by Dr. Bernardo Etchepare - first occupant of the Department
of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine (Universidad de la República), and considered the founder of Psychiatry National, with an eclectic and positivist-organicist orientation. The observation of the case was carried out in the room of the Vilardebó Hospital, which was directed by Etchepare, in which Pérez Pastorini worked as «Deputy Head of Clinic«. Counting on the handwritten notes made by Pérez Pastorini during the writing of the clinical case, in this text we address the discursive marks of this meeting between the veteran psychiatrist, detentor at the time (1925) of a virulent anti-Freudian position, and the future psychoanalyst. In «A case of mutism« the author develops a differential diagnosis between hysteria and psychostenia. We proceed to analyze the significant «hysteria«, a true condenser of tensions and contradictions that constituted and transformed the clinical experience of many doctors, including Freud. Exploring the enunciative position of the author of the case, a gap is defined that will pave the way for the emergence and development of psychoanalysis.


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Author Biographies

  • Guillermo Milán

    Prof. Agdo. Facultad de Psicología. Universidad de la República

  • Fernando García Press

    Analista en formación de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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How to Cite

A case of de mutism: Cure, word, power. (2019). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 129, 139-164. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/97