Vicissitudes of the Analytic Discourse in our Work with Children


  • Alicia Kachinovsky


discourse, psychoanalysis of children, intervention, transitional object, clinical material


The present work tells an analytic story; its text has been clipped as a pretext to reflect about the particularities of the analytic discourse in the work with children. Thus, some instruments in which the gesture, the caricature, the absurd and the joke acquire a particular importance are illustrated. It is also developed the concept of «intermediary or mediatizer object» which the author proposes as such and relates with the winnicottian «transitional object» and the kleinian process of «personifi cation». These same concepts have been thought in relation to more severe pathologies in which it would be possible to appreciate some particularities.


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Author Biography

  • Alicia Kachinovsky

    Profesora Titular, Facultad de Psicología, y Miembro Asociado, Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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How to Cite

Vicissitudes of the Analytic Discourse in our Work with Children. (2011). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 112, 125-142.