Transferential Modalities in Patients with Perverse Organization


  • Paulina Volinski de Hoffnung
  • Inés Clerc de Valdez
  • Elena Errandonea
  • Sonia Ihlenfeld de Arim


perversión, transferencia, escisión, fetichismo, desmentida, contratransferencia, identificación con el agresor, material clínico


This paper explores the transferential character in patients with a perverse organization defined as a dynamic and mobile constellation of elements, very typical and constant. An attempt is made to differentiate it from multiple sexual behaviour deflection patterns which appear in neurotic, borderline, psycothic and narcissistic pathologies, exploring the transferential and counter-transferential peculiarities. With this Idea in mind, the clinical material used starts from a conscious fantasy with an inmutable argument where roles interchange. Someone tortures, humiliates and drives someone else insane; there is a fetich-like object with which the action is performed and an spectator who is the script’s author. This brings us to a perverse couple based on a misunderstanding.
In a second level of conceptualization, the anguishes and predominant mechanisms of
these patients are worked with. The different transferential modes are highlighted: Perverse,
imitative, erotic and fetichist; the vicissitude of the counter-transference and its use along
with the mental work of the analyst to prevent the analysis to fall in a mere repetition. The
latter makes the creative experience possible


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How to Cite

Transferential Modalities in Patients with Perverse Organization. (1989). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 70, 97-114.