At the Limits of the Transfer


  • Ana De Barbieri
  • Julio C. Lamónaca


transferencia, sugestión, epistemología


The knowledge concerned with tranfert have been accumulated without throwing light satisfactorily in a way that articulates it. And because of this, we consider the effort to enlighten some problems about limits that are involved in this concept, really necessary. We consider the development of the concept, its relationship with method, with technique and the epistemological jump in such a way operated in its comprehension. Following Freud’s thinking we intend to relate tranfert to the phenomenum of suggestion and we examine the implication of the principium of psychic determism. During analysis the psychic aparatus appears in an open way, due to the link patientanalyst, and establishes suggestionability. The patient brings together with his demands a hopeful readiness to be placed on the link, and this circunstance opens creative therapeutic possibilities.


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