Elaboration and Resignification; a Mindset Transfer


  • Sylvia Braun de Bagnulo


transferencia, elaboración, resignificación, trabajo elaborativo


The proposal of this work la to articulate the notion of transference with those of psychic elaboration and new significance. The psychic elaboration is the work the mental apparatus cardes out to dominate the arriving excitements, binding the energy to
certain contents (representations). Since his earliest papers, Freud dealt with the integrating function of the Ego. When articulating this notion with that of the transferences, it la emphasized the position of the analyst as representation, similarly to day residues, which, at the same time that binds, allows for the appearance of the drive. This elaborative function, deployed during the transference, would be performed by the unconscious Ego. The notion of new significance la reached through repetition. The repetition peculiar to the death drive, differs from the repetition of the unconscious desire trying to express itself. The repetition of the unconscious desire in the transference, when articulating two events (past and present), promotes the display of the new significances. Finally, there remains open the problem concerning pain during the transference.


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How to Cite

Elaboration and Resignification; a Mindset Transfer. (1989). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 70, 3-10. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/880

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