Tell-Tale Heart of Edgar Allan Poe; a psychoanalytic essay


  • Luz M. Porras de Rodríguez


psicosis, alucinación, esquema, nudo borromeo, sujeto


Edgar Allan Poe’s Tell-Tale Heart is used as a text-pretext for a psychoanalytical exercise with a Lacanian profile. The subjective movement of the character as he enters into psychosis is analyzed by using the matheme L, changed by Lacan, and the Borromean knot in the existencial structure of psychosis, used by Juranville. The experience of the “disject membra” appears illustrated in a synchrony and diachrony of the crime and cutting up. The hallucination of the heart beat is stressed, as well as the signifier
feature of this beat, this “tell-tale heart” which runs through the story as the betrayer. At the end we can see how the author’s unconscious appears amidst his wit, “embroidering” the story’s content with a verbal signifier.


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How to Cite

Tell-Tale Heart of Edgar Allan Poe; a psychoanalytic essay. (1987). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 66, 69-86.