Some contributions to psychoanalytic technique; the ambiguity and identity of the psychoanalyst
identidad, ambiguedad, paciente, psicoanalista, formación psicoanalítica, psicoanálisis didáctico, sesión, relación psicoterapéutica, comprensión, ideología, integraciónAbstract
The work between analyst and subject is based on identifications. The subject projects onto his analyst, who gathers up what was projected; the analyst is able to through this mechanism. This paper aims at showing that this mechanism in the work of analysis is
different from the identifications described up to now. Although the analyst undergoes identifications both projective and
introjective, these identifications are not the equivalent of a dissociation, but he maintains his integrated ego, though able at the same time to feel and understand what is happening to his patient. This attitude is maintained through an ambiguous internal position. Ambiguity in this case is possible if the analyst’s identity as such is fully achieved. Finally the suggestion is made that the ideology of future analysts be strengthened while in analysis, as a way of building up their identity in the profession
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