Choreographies. Arkaic inscriptions


  • Javier García Castiñeiras


the archaic, signified, word presentation, thing presentation, memory trace, inscription


This text offers ideas on the psychic human condition between the real aspect of the partial drive and the significant. It is proposed the term «unconscious coreo-graphy»: the set of dynamic movements existing between the baby and the parents. This amalgam between excitement and sign delimitates the epistemic zone specific of the psychoanalysis, consistently in tension. Just as in dance, the erogenous bodies both write and are written at the same time, which aids to this idea of building. The «other» is intercrossed by language and the laws under an exchange; that is to say, by the Other. The events are acts impregnated in the parents’ longings, an unconscious act of coreo-graphic creation, that is to say, a re-creation or forms where the unconscious history of the parents is originated. The drive builds an intertwined writing starting from the urverdrängung or originated repression, —which is the fixation of the drive linked to a representative— in the act where a significant takes the place of the driving reitz. This is framed by the driving death and masochism on favor of Eros. This originated repression, it is not a lost word forgotten that can be rejoined.


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Author Biography

  • Javier García Castiñeiras

    Psicoanalista. Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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How to Cite

Choreographies. Arkaic inscriptions. (2019). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 129, 13-29.