A confusional core; the living dead.


  • Héctor Garbarino


agorafobia, estados confusionales, material clínico


The following hypotheses are advanced in this paper:
1) In the case under consideration the confusional paroxysm would be due to the existence of a confusional nucleus.
2) This confusional nucleus would be a mental product constituted during the first weeks of life owing to a failure of the early ego in dissociating the impulses of life and death. As a remnant of this failure a dead-alive nucleus is constituted, with alive and dead parts of the ego and of the objects, mixed up in an undiscriminated way. This dead-alive nucleus is repressed (dissociated) in
the id. 3) The confusional nucleus, dissociated from the rest of the ego, is projected later on and controlled in a phobic way. Phobic dissociation is used here as a defense against confusional mechanisms. 4) The invasion of the ego by the confusional nucleus, its violent and massive re-introjection due to the failure of the phobic defense, give place to a confusional paroxysm in which the ego feels itself threatened with dissolution by its transformation into a dead-alive ego. This would mean for the ego the
definitive installation of a chronic confusional condition. 5) The ego avoids the chronic confusional condition (madness) by reprojecting the confusional nucleus violently and re establishing the phobic control.


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How to Cite

A confusional core; the living dead. (1965). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 7(2-3), 119-137. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/537

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