A hypochondriacal episode reactive to initiation of psychoanalytic treatment


  • Luis E. Prego Silva


This work describes the evolution of the psychanalytic treatment of a 14-years-old adolescent boy who was suffering from a serious obsessional neurosis when he first came for consultation.One divides the transformation undergone by this patient into stages
named by the symptomatology dominating at the time. The apparition of a confusional state gave rise to an episode where
hypochondria acted as a defense mechanism, as Rosenfeld stated in his works. Then a phobic stage developed, during which the patient’s condition was extremely serious due to the multiplicity and generalization of phobic objects. This stage was overwhelmed too during a period characterized by the starting of sexual activity and the development of creative capacity


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How to Cite

A hypochondriacal episode reactive to initiation of psychoanalytic treatment. (1963). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 5(4), 390-409. http://publicaciones.apuruguay.org/index.php/rup/article/view/456

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