e-laboratory of children
Working in times of COVID 19
psychoanalysis of children, internet, the virtual, fort-da, image, analytic setting, psychoanalytic technique in children, psychoanalytic field, resilience, vulnerability, rule of abstinence, intimacy, psychoanalystAbstract
The selection of this title «e-lab», came across us playing with words and its polysemy, as a way to presentify game, which we felt was at risk of being
lost in our encounter with the children. Thus, «e lab» partly reveals what this space means to us nowadays. «e» according internet’s proper language, as a prefix, refers to the electronic version of a specific concept. Therefore, it rings a bell in what we feel as a migration from the well known analytic setting to the remote, electronic or virtual version. As this new reality was imposed, we were forced to resign our offices, its materials, toys, game boxes and above all, the face-to-face encounter with the children, our jobs motor. This external situation has made abstinence and transference of our daily lives uneasy. It was made redundant, more than ever; that what hold us together, in spite of the undeniable change regarding framing, is our inner framing. We know that this, like everything that happens in the transferencial field, must be integrated in our job with the patient.
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