A psychoanalytical intervention on The Hydrangeas by Felisberto Hernández
ego, other, breakdown, madness, fiction, the uncanny, Las Hortensias, Hernández, FelisbertoAbstract
One cannot plunge into Felisberto’s narrative without experiencing what Julio Cortázar (1975) reveals in the prologue to his novels, «the inexpressible contact with immediacy, with all we continuously ignore or distance ourselves from, in the name of what we call living». The fact that Las hortensias (The hydrangeas, 1949) the author deploys his narrative without resorting to first-person narration inspires an approach to the content of its internal warp and weft. Boastful objectivity which only in appearance deprives it from the internal bonds with other narratives, in favor of the intimate drama and the finely finished montage it suggests. recibido: abril In this paper, the author proposes a way to approach this place by writing an imaginary letter to its main characters. It considers that this method of intervention into the literary text presupposes adhere to the principle that literature can inform psychoanalysis better than the hesitant explorations the latter directs to the former. Las hortensias expresses in literary key much of what psychoanalysis has to say about the Ego, the other and the relation to the other.
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