Destructuración del esquema corporal y ácido lisérgico


  • Juan Carlos Rey


We may say that L. S. D. acting on the brain causes a rupture of the dynamic structure or “gestalt” of the corporal plan and this feeling is felt like a new trauma of birth with the awakening of the primitve anxiety; thus provoking the disconnection of the subject with ist body, with the world, bringing ready phe-nomenon of regression and progression which is expressed in somatic feelings, hallucinations, false hallucinations, dramatization of parturition, birth and death. The loss of corporal notion produces the locomotior anxiety, thus appearing the oral regression.
The connection with the real world is lost and the relation with the internal objects is intensified with the proper characteristics of the primary process. The disassociation of the bodymind takes place an the unconscious fantasies affective of corporal sensations become present as it happens in the moment of birth.
The re-creation of the prenatal union with the mother shows up like an “idealized” internal object, thus provoking the oceanic condition. This situation assimilates with the dream and schizofrenic phenomenon. These modifications are amplified by studying the incordination of the feelings which carry to the situation of loss of being in the world and of living in nothing. The meaning of the word and of the vision in the integration of the corporal scheme is studied; and ultimately the psychopathology of the individual space or “distance” like a prolongation of the corporal scheme like a zone which exists around the body and which is incorporated in our ego and whose violation anguishes us, is also studied. This space is studied from the functional and pathological point of view in the Agorafobia, in the intoxication by L. S. D. and in the claustrophobia.


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How to Cite

Destructuración del esquema corporal y ácido lisérgico. (1960). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 3(4), 365-376.

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