About authorization and promotion


  • Néstor Braunstein




psychoanalytic institution , power, french school , history of psychoanalysis, pass, Lacan, Jacques , training analysis , psychoanalytic training , desire of the analyst , subject supposed to know , truth


«The analyst derives his authorisation only from himself». (even herself?) This famous statement is consubstantial to the proposition of the dispositive of la passe. It does not pretend to be a global definition for psychoanalysts in general but only for the «psychoanalyst of the École», L’Ecole Freudienne de Paris founded by Lacan in 1964 and disolved by him in 1980. Afterwords other mechanisms for la passe were put into work by the many schools that followed Lacan’s death and teachings. The Lacanian sentence of the self authorisation was pronounced after «more than half a century» of the traditional methods of nomination of psychoanalysts according to the rules of the IPA. Now, again, «more than half a century»
has elapsed with different modalities of la passe. May we assess nowadays
the effectivity of these dispositives regarding the criteria for the ending of
a didactic analysis? How does the analyst is authorised today?


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Author Biography

  • Néstor Braunstein

    Psicoanalista. Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad Veracruzana


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How to Cite

About authorization and promotion. (2020). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 130-131, 45-67. https://doi.org/10.36496/n130.131a2

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