Freud, the mirror and the lamp


  • Edmundo Gómez Mango


culture, psychoanalysis, double, resignification, writing


The article associates Freud’s name with the title of a piece by the literary critic M. H. Abrams. It is an attempt to show some conceptions from classical esthetics (mimesis) and romantic esthetics (the lamp as a literary symbol of «expression») can be found in Freud. Freud breaks away from both by participating in a new epistemological paradigm which is imposed in his time by the fields of science, the arts and literature. Its focus can be found in the essential discoveries of Freudian psychoanalysis: the
split subject, the psychic unconscious and repression, at the origin of the distortion of the esthetic representations of contemporary art.


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Author Biography

  • Edmundo Gómez Mango

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica de Francia. 


Abrams, M. H. (1962). El espejo y la lámpara. Teoría romántica y tradición crítica acerca del hecho

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