The Tower of Babel did not reach:

from the Subject as Singularity to the Coded Object


  • Gustavo Dupuy


man, psychoanalysis, diagnosis, psychiatry, culture, globalization


The concept of human being elaborated during the XX Century, the product of science and culture, and strongly reflected by psychoanalysis, is the rich expression of a complex existence. The epochal ideals and the new present versions of medicine, the classifications, the new protocoled diagnostic systems, the social services as a whole and the prepaid firms coopt most of the new psychological services, the psy professionals compelled to the new methods. DSM systems together with the advertising systems try to impose a new Weltanshauund in which human beings become simple creatures, purely organic; a kind of neurological and genetic machine. The great groups of psychoanalysts, enriched by their encounters with the new psychiatry, suffer in many ways from the naturalization of these new characteristics. Epochal imperatives impose on our psychoanalytic societies the rescue of the human being in its complexity, the rescue of the essential singularity of our souls. We have to consider the growth of almost one hundred times in the consumption of medical drugs over the last twenty years, greatly coopting the treatment of our patients and ourselves. The rescue of high frequency treatments is essential together with our constant clinical work with our group of colleagues.


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Author Biography

  • Gustavo Dupuy

    Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina


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How to Cite

The Tower of Babel did not reach:: from the Subject as Singularity to the Coded Object. (2016). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 122, 116-130.

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