Of Textures, Weft and Warp


  • Margarita Muñiz Cáceres


mourning, orphanhood, missing, death, transference, countertransference, neutrality, abstinence


What leads us into writing? I understand that clinical events sometimes demand some kind of sifting process from us in order to gradually cleanse anxieties, fears and assumptions, to avoid being locked in a supposed diagnostic knowledge. To write in order to gather our thoughts, to think, to continue doubting and opening new furrows in the undreamed paths that stretch the field in the transferential interchange. Writing offers itself as a winding road of elaboration. Writing about what we do not know. Rewriting. In the same fashion, the analysis. Uncertain writing. Engravings. With the readings of Marguerite Duras as a point of departure, revising clinical experience, the paper is an attempt to reflect on the texts and textures that arise in the clinical space. The articulation between the literary and clinical textures will be established through the experience of the treatment of a patient whose father suffered enforced disappearance during the dictatorship, and who oscillated between words and silence.


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Author Biography

  • Margarita Muñiz Cáceres

    Profesora de Literatura, Instituto de Profesores Artigas. Licenciada en Psicología, Universidad de la
    República. Docente efectiva en Formación Docente


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