" For rent for dreaming". Or on the function of the anaylst


  • Álvaro Zas




Dream, Play, Literature, Clinical Material, Transference, Lapsus, Psychoanalyst


The starting point for this paper is a clinical vignette which shows a misquotation of a story by García Márquez, where there is a reference to dreaming in analysis. Based on this, the paper is a reflection on the importance of the role of the dream in the task of discovering the Unconscious.
The interpretation of dreams is considered a shift in Freud’s theoretical elaboration and its consecration as the founding pillar of
Psychoanalysis. The paper puts forward the hypothesis that the analyst’s disposition is determining for the emergence of the productions of the Unconscious, and it is central to his role as an analyst. The paper then considers the idea of being for rent, in the sense of being inhabited by the wish of the patient, and from there, the possible responses that the analyst can develop. This situation is compared to the analytical work with children in the play room


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How to Cite

" For rent for dreaming". Or on the function of the anaylst. (2022). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 134, 47-58. https://doi.org/10.36496.N134.a3