Dream life: the use of post-Kleinian contributions for the comprehension and practice with dreams in psychoanalytic psychotherapy


  • Ricardo Spector




Dream , Manifest content, Psychoanalytic process , Clinical material


Working with dreams, starting from the interaction among the different characters and objects that appear in the manifest content and the emotions present, is an excellent source of information to connect us with the mental state of our patients at the very moment of the session. This task can be carried out whatever the setting is. Besides, and this is my experience, the realization by the patients that it is possible to attribute a fruitful use to the narration of the dreams that can be connected to their vital present experiences, encourages them to remember their dreams, and to bring them to their sessions more frequently.


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How to Cite

Dream life: the use of post-Kleinian contributions for the comprehension and practice with dreams in psychoanalytic psychotherapy. (2022). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 134, 17-27. https://doi.org/10.36496.N134.a1

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