André Green: Clinical Thinking and Complexity. Pending Matters


  • Ricardo Bernardi


validation, clinical fact, psychoanalysis, Green, André


The work of André Green means a substantial contribution to current psychoanalysis. Taking a central Freudian reference as the starting point, he opens lines of dialogue with different approaches and he enriches the understanding of clinical work and the complex nature of our discipline. In this presentation I refer to some aspects in which Green manages to make the metapsychological concepts and clinical experience to mutually enrich and revitalize. However, Green also establishes certain exclusions, especially regarding current methodological developments, which result restrictive for a necessary triangulation of perspectives and research possibilities. Some aspects of the clinical field are pointed out where an integrating «and» would be more fertile, though problematic, than a dilemmatic and excluding «or». This problem is stated to be related with the complex nature of psychoanalysis, especially in regards to its double link with the sciences of nature and with the humanistic disciplines.


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Author Biography

  • Ricardo Bernardi

    Miembro titular de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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BEUTEL, M. E., STARK, R., PAN, H., SILBERSWEIG, D. y DIETRICH, S. Changes of brain activation pre-post short-term psychodynamic inpatient psychotherapy. An fMRI study of panic disorder patients. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. Vol. 184, Issue 2, 2010, pp. 96-104.

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GREEN, A. La causalité psychique. Paris, Odile Jacob, 1995.

GREEN, A. La pensée clinique. Paris, Odile Jacob, 2002. (El pensamiento clínico. Amorrortu, Buenos Aires-Madrid, 2010.)

GREEN, A. The pluralism of science and psychoanalytic thinking. En: Pluralism and Unity? Methods of research in psychoanalysis. London, edited by Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber, Anna Ursula Dreher and Jorge Canestri, ipa, 2003.

OPD-2 Grupo de Trabajo. Diagnóstico Psicodinámico Operacionalizado. opd-2. Barcelona, Herder, 2008.

PDM. Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual. Silver Spring: Alliance of Psychoanalytic Organizations. 2006.




How to Cite

André Green: Clinical Thinking and Complexity. Pending Matters. (2012). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 114, 139-153.

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