Perlaboration; Memory, Historicization and Construction


  • Abel Fernández Ferman


elaboración, repetición, proceso psicoanalítico, rememoración, material clínico


The present report, approaches working through as a concept that shows the work on the resistances in analysis, connected to memory and historic re-signifying, all of which enable psychic change. A difference is stated between working out as characteristic of the psyche’s normal functioning or analyst’s task, and working through as distinctive of the patient’s work in analysis. The author makes a brief survey of Freud’s different ideas on the cure and points out the polysemy and present arguments on the concept of working through. Finally, some points on the work in analysis are stated, taking as a reference a clinical vignette.


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Author Biography

  • Abel Fernández Ferman

    Miembro Asociado de APU


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How to Cite

Perlaboration; Memory, Historicization and Construction. (2021). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 93, 51-68.