Therapeutic Interventions in the Triad, Father-Mother-Child


  • Victor Guerra


entrevista, padres, consulta, infancia, síntoma, psicoanálisis de niños, intersubjetividad, psicoterapia focal, caso clínico


In this piece of work the author raises a series of questions in the field of therapeutic consultation in early childhood. These are proposed as a kind of psychoanalytic intervention, because the theoretical and practical supports (transferencecountertransference, unconscious, resistance, interpretation, etc.) are taken as essential tools, adapted to the peculiarities of this kind of consultation. The style of approach is shown through a clinical case which was set up in two different working moments and that took place in a nursery school to which the child assisted. The author tries to make a series of reflections about the building up of the symptom in small children and its articulation in an inter-subjective level with the parents’ fantasies. A summary is also made on other clinical approaches to these consultations and the role of whether or not to interpret the transference on the child of figures of the parents childhood.


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How to Cite

Therapeutic Interventions in the Triad, Father-Mother-Child. (2002). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 96, 125-141.