Subjectivity: delirium and writing (Memories of a sick person nervous)


  • Juan Carlos Capo


nombre del padre, cuerpo, psicosis, nombre propio


The author raises the subjective topology in psychoanalysis trying to approach psychosis through Daniel Paul Schreber’s case.
Schreber’s delirium, plentiful of verbal hallucinations, consists of the experimentation of emasculation and a feminine body
transformation. Schreber, in his firstly denied and then accepted feminization, creates a generation of new men.
Concepts like the Freudian denial, Lacanian’s forclution, the transference in psychosis, the closed ties between libido and
language and Lacanian’s idea of the subject of hiancia are covered. The writing (Lacanian) regarding delirium started from a twodimensional writing: significant, metaphor and metonymy. The closure of the work contains the gleam of a new writing
coming from a different place than the significant, a topologic writing of rings (Borromean ring), strips (Moebius strip), strings,
edges and holes.


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How to Cite

Subjectivity: delirium and writing (Memories of a sick person nervous). (2006). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 103, 188-207.

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