Subjectivity in the analytical scene. Appearances, superficiality and complexity


  • Myrta Casas de Pereda


imagen, ilusión, sujeto, cambio, cultura, subjetivación


The image is present in any process of subjectivization through the identifications and the breaking free of the symbolic moorings,
which become visible in the changes of the social paradigms. Appearance, immerse in the notion of superficiality and in
debt with language, like any human production, is closely related to the iconic and indicial aspects of symbolization.
“In the analytic scene, the image, together with the experience with the object, ties together the materiality of the sensorial and
the affect of unconscious writing” Excess, the hybris, both in aesthetics and in the media, implies Subjetividad en la escena analítica. 
the desire to somehow reach a non-existent completeness. The illusory gains room at the expense of illusion. The notion of chaos,
the loss of certainties which our culture experiences, sustains, in its uncertainty, many elements which can promote vulnerabilities,
but also sublimation and creativity. This paper proposes that the notion of superficiality, so widespread in our social life, results in
a defensive avoidance of complexity. These notions are developed in the text together with the contributions by Morin, whose ideas
on love exemplify the paradoxical elements that, from the psychoanalytic perspective, support the notion of complexity.
With Walter Benjamin, the paper emphasizes the rescue of the legacy of the past, which becomes pertinent to our subject,
where the marks of the indifference both in the parental and collective spheres interrogate psychoanalysis


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Debates sobre la subjetivación en Psicoanálisis

How to Cite

Subjectivity in the analytical scene. Appearances, superficiality and complexity. (2006). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 103, 59-82.