Subjectivation in adolescence and cultural changes; New forms of registration?


  • Víctor Guerra


sujeto, tiempo, inscripción, material clínico


The author thinks about the incidence of certain cultural changes in adolescent subjectivation. He takes a number of
contributions from authors of the social field and attempts to dialogue with them from a psychoanalytical perspective. He
particularly develops the role of sensorial experience in current subjective constitution and attempts to establish the possibility
of thinking different ways of inscription of emotional experiences where words don’t have a primacy as sense
articulator. Takes the idea of sensorial continuity as a present way of expression of the “feeling of being”, which leads to a
reflection about interaction between representation and presentation. Also includes the value of tattoos in adolescence
and questions about its relation with new ways of inscription (marks) of subjective experience. Finally, through a vignette,
the author thinks about the role of narratives and offers a hypothesis of a sensorial narrative to be articulated in
psychoanalytical work with a verbal narrative, ground commonly known as symbolic expression


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Violencia social y adolescencia

How to Cite

Subjectivation in adolescence and cultural changes; New forms of registration?. (2021). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 102, 41-60.