Child subjectivation at present and the risk of autism:

psychoanalytic perspective on the archaic subjectivation disorders


  • Víctor Guerra


subjectivation, early infantile autism, diagnosis, clinical material, intersubjectivity, culture, sensation


This paper discusses the considerable increase in the number of consultations of children described as being under the risk of autism, classified as suffering from an autistic spectrum disorder, and its possible correlation, within a multicausal perspective, with diverse difficulties that can arise in the constitution of the intersubjective encounter, the latter understood as a form of symbolization in presence, which will greatly determine the construction of subjectivity and the capacity for separation. The paper goes deeper into the sensorial capacities and the rhythmic quality of present culture, and its possible positive and negative effects. The paper puts forward the psychoanalytic hypothesis that many of these children wrongly classified as suffering from an autistic spectrum disorder, actually function in a way that the author calls: archaic subjectivation disorder. This hypothesis is developed with the support of a clinical case, in an attempt to demonstrate, at the same time, the way in which the analyst’s interventions are modified in such cases, both in the actual work with the child and with his subjectivating environment (parents, other professionals, kindergarten, etc.).


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Author Biography

  • Víctor Guerra

    Miembro asociado de la Asociación Psicoanalítica del Uruguay


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How to Cite

Child subjectivation at present and the risk of autism:: psychoanalytic perspective on the archaic subjectivation disorders. (2017). Revista Uruguaya De Psicoanálisis, 124, 21-43.